Feeling Stuck, Out Of Sync, Suicidal? You’re Not Alone.

And You DON’T Have To Keep Feeling This Way:

Feeling Stuck, Out Of Sync, Suicidal? You’re Not Alone. And You DON’T Have To Keep Feeling This Way:

Discover The 5 Steps For Overcoming Trauma In Your Life Once And For All

So That You Can Live In Peace, Find Happiness, And Have More Fulfilling Relationships…

The REAL Reason Why Nothing Else Has Worked

Western medicine has done a lot for us.

It’s healed our broken bones, cured countless diseases, and developed medications that have saved millions of lives.

But there’s one area where Western medicine still feels like it’s stuck in the dark ages.

Mental Health.

An estimated 57.8 million Americans are currently living with a mental illness. That’s one out of every 5 people struggling.

So we have to stop and ask ourselves:

Are these numbers so high because our current medical system can’t help us…

…or because our current medical system simply isn’t equipped to help us?

Western doctors throw around pills and medications, believing sincerely they are doing the right thing.

Because that’s all Western medicine teaches.

They never tell our young doctors that opening up and talking about our trauma is what will connect us to our universal truth and healing.

And if you don’t get the right treatment for the real problem, then there will never be any real healing.

Leaving you to wonder what YOU are doing wrong when, in reality…

If you take a step back and look, you realize it’s not them OR you. It’s simply a matter of being able to identify the barrier holding you back…

…and how to safely tear it down:

The #1 Barrier To Healing And How We Dismantle It

Because mental illness is an “invisible” illness, many people do not take it seriously.

Not only can this severely damage the mindset of anyone who is silently struggling, but it can actually make their illness WORSE.

Leading to further feelings of shame, guilt, and embarrassment.

The barrier we must first break down is the admittance that there is an underlying trauma that needs to be addressed and healed.

This is no easy feat considering how strongly our culture believes in victim blaming.

If we can admit to ourselves there is past trauma that cannot be healed by Western medicine.

Then we can find a peaceful solution to the internal war:

The #1 Barrier To Healing And How We Dismantle It

Because mental illness is an “invisible” illness, many people do not take it seriously.

Not only can this severely damage the mindset of anyone who is silently struggling, but it can actually make their illness WORSE.

Leading to further feelings of shame, guilt, and embarrassment.

The barrier we must first break down is the admittance that there is an underlying trauma that needs to be addressed and healed.

This is no easy feat considering how strongly our culture believes in victim blaming.

But once we can admit to ourselves, there is past trauma that cannot be healed by Western medicine.

Now we can find a peaceful solution to the internal war:

What You Will Gain From This Peaceful 5-Step Resolution

Rid yourself of buried trauma

Open your heart to new experiences

Eliminate nightmares and find quality sleep

Increase your energy and lengthen your life

Gain clearer insight and declutter your mind

Live fully with purpose and meaning

Decrease feelings of stress and anxiety

Enjoy wholly fulfilling relationships

Achieve a higher state of happiness

Feel unparalleled peace and tranquility

Where Professional Healing Meets Personal Experience

My name is Wendy Watson, and I am a spiritual therapist who focuses on energy work and similar modalities.

My work comes from a deep understanding and clarity that was gained through my own personal experiences.

I had a difficult childhood. My parents were divorced twice and married 3 times.

I had multiple different step-families that would all steal and lie to one another, and my ex-partners were emotionally and verbally abusive.

I filed for bankruptcy twice, was divorced twice, and even lost a child.

I’ve been surrounded by addiction and suicide most of my life which has led to a lot of trauma.

So when I say I understand what you’re going through…

I really mean it.

I’ve found that over the years, what my past has provided me with is an incredible amount of insight.

Insight that I can use to help others who feel lost, stuck, and broken.

That’s when I began my development of the 5 steps. I was determined to shed light on the core of the problem AND provide a solution through:

  • Helping individuals understand their universal truth

  • Achieve personal inner growth with life coaching

  • Clear past traumas and blocked energy patterns

  • Finally gain a sense of clarity and higher self

  • Obtain inner peace and find their universal path

  • And so much more

See Others Who Have Made Their 5-Step Healing Journey With Me

“Wendy helps us understand navigating our own barriers to success”

“Wendy is masterful at helping people cut through the verbal turbulence that gets in the way of clear thinking and moving forward. Wendy helps us understand navigating our own barriers to success. Everyone will find something of value in Wendy's down-to-earth approach.”

Cathy V

“Wendy is my Healer”

“I’ve been seeing Wendy for 5+ years. I am an extreme athlete that is aging with a broken body. I went down the road of Western medicine for a decade, that created more problems. Wendy is my Healer. I’ve seen her for massage, life coaching, and recently energy work.”

Ryan L

“She is simultaneously professional and welcoming”

“Wendy always seems to have just the perfect touch to make me feel a million times better when I leave than when I came in her door. She is simultaneously professional and welcoming, excellent at her skill, yet easy to talk to like a sister or good friend.”

Katrina J

“She knows exactly where to work out those really messed up spots”

“Her energy work is absolutely on point, she knows exactly where to work out those really messed up spots without you even saying anything. Very clean and comfortable space.”

Bianca S

“I am so thankful for the loving presence of Wendy!”

“Wendy is a powerful intuitive reader. Today, she offered me a wonderful reading for the days ahead. My own intuitive nature was simply guided to tap into Wendy’s energy, to confirm that which I am seeking. I am so thankful for the loving presence of Wendy! I highly recommend her to you!”

Susie J